Everyone wants to go to heaven but few are willing to work to get there.
Fortunately for Christians, the Lord Jesus did all the work necessary for obtaining eternal life for people.
He accomplished His work by obeying perfectly the will of His Father.
His obedience was so thorough and complete that it led to His own death on a cross at the hands of those whom He came to save.
The proof that Jesus’ work was sufficient for securing pardon for all people who humble themselves before God and seek peace with Him, is the resurrection of Jesus, Who now sits enthroned in heaven but will one day return to earth to judge all people determining their eternal destiny whether heaven or hell.
What will be the Lord’s criteria for judgment of people’s eternal future?
The same basis by which He was judged adequate to be the Savior of the world: obedience to the Father.
While the work of God for salvation is finished in Jesus, it remains for each person to submit themselves to that work in order to be justified by God. The work of God is to believe in Him and in the Savior He sent to pardon people – Jesus the Lord.
This belief is evidenced by obedience.
Unless people repent, which is the acknowledgement then departure from evil doings in the eyes of God, and submit to God, a person cannot be born again.
We must be born of the Spirit to enter the kingdom of heaven.
The Spirit comes to all those who love Jesus and submit to Him as Savior of the world.
Everyone who loves Jesus must live as He did, in humble, obedient, sacrificial service doing the will of God before people for their benefit and God’s glory.