You Should Be Suffering If You Are A Christian.

“And we sent Timothy, our brother and God’s coworker in the gospel of Christ, to strengthen and encourage you concerning your faith, so that no one will be shaken by these afflictions. For you yourselves know that we are appointed to this. In fact, when we were with you, we told you in advance that we were going to experience affliction, and as you know, it happened.” 1 Thessalonians 3:2-4 CSB


Christians have suffered from the foundation of the faith for proclaiming Jesus as Savior and Lord to the world. They suffered first from the Jews, with whom they were counted before choosing the Messiah Jesus over the rest of the community that rejected Jesus as Messiah. They suffered under the hands of the Romans for proclaiming only one God and King reigns, and that is Jesus. They suffered from the multitudes around them for rejecting infanticide, homosexuality, drunkenness, and other sexually deviant behavior from God’s prescription of marriage between one man and one woman. The Church has continued to suffer in the world for proclaiming Jesus is the only means by which humanity can be reconciled to God, for He is the only God and Savior. It has suffered for living differently than the culture and calling the culture to repentance. Yet today in America, few are suffering though the opportunity exists and increases for the Church has compromised its teachings and values, making it nearly invisible in the marketplace. This cannot be if we are indeed Christ’s disciples. We have been given the Great Commission as our mission; therefore, we must proclaim to everyone that Jesus alone is Savior and Lord. We have been purchased by the blood of Jesus, Who declares us holy, so we must live holy lives perfectly reflecting His perfect life, meaning we no longer participate mentally or physically in the deviant lifestyle the pagans will be condemned for living unless they repent. If we are not suffering for being a Christian, we are probably not trying very hard to obey Christ in this world.

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