Earlier God told Israel the entire nation would be a priesthood for serving Him and making Him known in the world: a role every Christian has been assigned as well.
Within that group one tribe was assigned the formal duties of priest among the priesthood of believers. The criterion for choosing this tribe was their zeal for God and His righteousness. Israel was beginning to do the wrong things again but one man stopped the current by putting to death the evil in the camp.
There is much evil in our land and God seeks those, who like Him, are deeply troubled by its prevalence.
The Christian is not to condemn his neighbor for sin but he is to seek to convince him of the error of his ways and lead him to repentance toward Christ.
There is much that men do today that directly disobeys God’s Word but the Christian is to know God’s commands, live those commands and encourage others to do the same, especially among those who call themselves Christians.
Among the priesthood of believers all are required to be zealous for God.
This zeal will manifest itself through fervent seeking of God, passionate worship of God, daily service for God and living righteously before God.
If we really love God we will obey His commands but to obey those commands we must study the Scriptures to know what they are.
We are hard-pressed to find the zealous among us; those who fervently seek God and live for His glory through holy living, consistent proclamation of Jesus as Savior and abundant good works.
The Church is in desperate need for those who are zealous for God living among men as priests holy to the Lord.