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3 Keys For Overcoming Depression

“Lord, remember what has happened to us. Look, and see our disgrace! We have become orphans, fatherless; our mothers are widows. Slaves rule over us; no one rescues us from them. Joy has left our hearts; our dancing has turned to mourning. The crown has fallen from our head. Woe to us, for we have sinned. Because of this, our heart is sick; because of these, our eyes grow dim: Lord, bring us back to yourself, so we may return; renew our days as in former times, unless you have completely rejected us and are intensely angry with us.”Lamentations 5:1, 3, 8, 15-17, 21-22 CSB


Are we sad enough yet? Are we tired of despair and depression? Do we grow weary yet of our medications and therapy? Are we done being tired and worn out from the meaninglessness of this life? Our God invites us to Himself and promises the fullness of joy, peace, love, and hope. Our disobedience to God has created this culture far from God in its obedience to His commands and promotion of His standards. We were made by God for God; until we walk with God in Jesus the Savior, we will be unsatisfied by any other lifestyle. Meaning, significance, purpose, and understanding of ourselves and our world come with a deep and personal relationship with God, Jesus the Savior. His presence by His Spirit, in concert with His Word for revealing Himself and His ways, in unison with His people, the Church, are His means for restoring our lives to His intended purpose. When we are at peace with God and in unity with our family His Church, we experience increasing joy, meaning and hope for the future where that kind of living is never interrupted by death or evil. The blessed life is the life that walks with God in Jesus, walks with others on that same journey, works to help others begin the walk, and waits eagerly for the day when that walk will be clearer, unhindered, and forever.

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