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8 Proof’s We Are Christian

“Therefore, brothers and sisters, make every effort to confirm your calling and election, because if you do these things you will never stumble. For in this way, entry into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will be richly provided for you.” 2 Peter 1:10-11 CSB


So many believers in America. Almost 70% say they believe in the Christian God, but so few disciples, the goal of our repentance and faith in Jesus. The devil believes and will be condemned for his disobedience. Peter encourages the church to confirm their calling and election, their belief or salvation in Christ. By confirming their salvation before God and men on earth, they will guarantee before God and men their life eternal in the kingdom of God. What would confirmation look like? Three things internally and five externally will make our confirmation sure to God and men. Internally, we must saturate our hearts and minds daily with God’s word to know Him and His ways and obey them. Then we must pray this word into existence, for it is the will of God for us and His world. Finally, we must meet with others doing the same to confess our sins and encourage and build up one another in perseverance and good works until Jesus returns or we return to Him. Externally, we must identify ourselves with Jesus. A bracelet, a chain, a picture in our office, something that reveals our faith in Jesus. This will encourage the saved, cause the seeker to inquire, and disclose the hater of God who will persecute us for righteousness sake, increasing our eternal reward. We must pray for people to know Jesus. Our prayers will increase our witness to them and open them to the Spirit of God for salvation. We must connect to these people through love, service, and good deeds. There is no impact without contact. Jesus is in the people business, so His people must duplicate His life of seeking and saving the lost. In this relationship, we must share the gospel. Faith comes by hearing the word of God, for the gospel is the power of salvation for everyone who believes. We must tell others about Jesus. We must disciple those who receive this message by teaching obedience to everything Jesus has commanded. This is the purpose of our lives and why the church is on earth: to make disciples by teaching obedience to everything Jesus commanded us. If we do these things repeatedly and daily, we will confirm our salvation before God and men and receive a servant’s welcome into the kingdom of God.

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