1 John 3.18, commands, let us not love in word or speech, but in action and in truth.
Too much talk, to little action. Everyone wants world peace and for all people to get along yet we see little evidence of this wish coming true. God wills for it to be so and has provided all we need for making it happen.
He has broken the power of sin, that which causes our troubles from within us, by His life, death and resurrection for humanity’s sins. He has commanded us to love one another and empowered us to do so through His Holy Spirit but we must die to self, and allow Him to Lord over us, living as Jesus did while He lived among us.
He was, and is, God, yet He did not let His deity keep Him from living as a servant to men, humbling Himself even to the place of dying on the cross as our sacrifice, because of our complete lack of humility before God. He therefore commands us to likewise humble ourselves and serve one another.
As Jesus is Truth, so too we love in truth when we share Him with one another. He is the only way to peace with God and the only one Who can bring peace between men. Therefore we love most, and we love best, when we help people understand, commit and follow Jesus as Savior, Lord and God of all.
If we will serve people as we share with people God’s love, expressed in action and in truth through Jesus Christ, then we will find ourselves fulfilling our hope and God’s will for the world: world peace with Him and peace with one another.