A man, a king, in the prime of his life is stricken with a disease that will soon end that life. This man, broken-hearted at the brevity of his time on earth, turns toward God with tears and begs for more time. God in His mercy grants the king his request promising him fifteen more years of life. The man responds by dancing in the sanctuary of God and by telling his sons about God’s faithfulness to him.
This is the father’s primary role – to disciple his children by teaching them God’s commands and sharing with them his own stories of God’s work in his life.
It is this primary role not being done today that explains the moral decay in our country and the lack of spiritual fervor among our youth.
Most men do not read their Bibles regularly so they are ignorant of the ways and will of God and thus unable to instruct their children. Too much parenting is led by secular psychologists who despise God rather than by God Whose timeless principals are recorded in the Bible.
Children disobey God out of ignorance of what He commands because fathers are not embracing their role as teacher in the home.
Because men ignore God’s Word they also miss God’s work in their life and so have no stories of God’s engagement with them to share with their children.
God reveals Himself to those who serve Him for He works through men to accomplish His purposes.
The godly father serves God then shares with his children the evidence of God he has encountered throughout his life so that his children might also know, believe and serve God.
This is the primary work God expects from every man who is a father.