A rewarded life

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Ecclesiastes 2.11 warns all our secular achievements and acquisitions are ultimately profitless.

The wisest and wealthiest man in history tried to teach his son that no matter what he did or what he owned if it was not for the glory of God and the furtherance of His kingdom upon the earth, then it was meaningless.

While most Christians agree in their head with this wisdom few agree with their hearts or their hands for they continue to strive for more stuff and more temporary achievement.

Solomon was correct only because God exists and will measure each person’s work upon those things He has determined to be eternally significant.

God plans to reward all people for the life they lived, each receiving their reward to the extent it focused upon the glory of God, the salvation of men and the spread of His Word.

If our lives are to be meaningful and well rewarded in heaven then they will be spent on seeing people reconciled to Jesus Christ.

The work of God that brings Him the most glory on earth as it is in heaven is when men acknowledge Jesus as Savior and submit to Him as Lord.

When the mission of Jesus is our purpose and our love for Him is demonstrated by obedience to Him then we begin to live lives God will reward richly.

When we, like Jesus, give all that we have to doing God’s will and making Jesus known on earth as He is in heaven then we begin to accumulate treasure in heaven.

As God Himself gave everything of Himself to reconcile men to God in this world so that He could reign before them as King in the next world, so Christians are to lose their lives in this world in order to gain our lives in the world to come.

Eternity is a very long time.

Those who will live well with God there are those who served God well here.


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