Matthew 26.39 records, He fell with His face to the ground and prayed, My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from Me. Yet not as I will, but as You will.
The goal of our prayer should be for the wisdom and strength to do God’s will. True prayer seeks God for the resources to do God’s will because doing His will always exceeds our resources.
God promises to always be with those who do His will because we need Him to complete His will.
By His design, He has chosen to use us in the accomplishing of His will; choosing to work with men as partners in the bringing of His Kingdom to earth as it is in heaven.
In the most famous prayer record of the Bible, God in Jesus, prays for the strength to carry out the will of God He knew would be His destiny from before the creation of the world. On a much smaller scale He reminds Peter to also pray for strength lest he fail in the flesh what his spirit is willing to accomplish.
Jesus in His prayer reaffirms His commitment to the will of God regardless of the cost or consequence to Himself. The answer to His prayer was His faithfulness to perfectly obey the Father while living on earth resulting in God accomplishing His grand purpose of reconciling the world to Himself through Christ.
The work of God was accomplished through the Man of God because of the strength of God as a result of the prayer of God. This same experience can be ours. We can commit ourselves fully and wholly to the will of God for the glory of God regardless of our own personal cost or consequence.
Like Jesus we must know unequivocally the Word of God so we can align ourselves with the doing of the will of God. Then we must pray for the strength of God because the doing of His will most often involves a cup we would prefer not to drink.
This is what Jesus means when He says that if we would truly be His disciples we must take up our cross and follow Him.
God will supply all we need to do His work if we will give to God all we are to seeing His will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
This is the purpose of prayer and when we pray this way we will see God answer those prayers unequivocally.
Thanks Mike.