All That God Really Requires Is Love

“and then you are careful to observe all these commandments I am giving you today (namely, to love the Lord your God and to always walk in his ways), then you must add three more cities to these three.” Deuteronomy 19:9 NET


The law of God is quite long, supposedly more than 600 laws. These laws were divided between the requirements for offering sacrifices and getting along in society. Most Christians avoid reading the Old Testament because of all these laws though they are mainly contained in the first five books. All Christians should read the Bible annually, for all the word of God is useful for our instruction, teaching us how to live and correcting us when we disobey God. Amid the myriad of laws, God places a summary statement, love God and obey Him always. This is the whole matter repeated by God Himself in Jesus the Savior. What does the Lord require of us? We are to love Him with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength, and the second is like it, to love our neighbor as ourselves. Love is the motive for doing what honors, pleases, and blesses the other person. It is how we relate in a healthy marriage and healthy parenting. Love causes us to give, serve, and sacrifice on behalf of the object of our affection if we truly love and truly love correctly. The laws of God are to help us know how to live in the minutiae of our day, but it is not that complicated. Love God and love our neighbor. What is the loving thing for me to do? What can I give, how can I serve, and do I need to sacrifice my way to love God and the people around me? Asking, answering, and acting that way will almost always have me doing the right thing. God wants us to love Him, really love Him. Not complicated, not overbearing, logical, and right. We just need to do it.

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