Courageous Men Are Needed In The Marketplace

“Be alert, stand firm in the faith, be courageous, be strong.” 1 Corinthians 16:13 CSB


The literal Greek writing of ‘be courageous’ is ‘act like men.’ Two thousand years ago, it was men who were identified as courageous. Men today are perplexed about their identity, gravitating to acting and looking more like women. Perhaps the most courageous in identifying with Jesus in the marketplace, calling out the evil of abortion, and insisting upon a more righteous society are women. They are leading in politics, and many fill pulpits boldly and courageously. This is good but also to the shame of men who have receded into the shadows, choosing to conform to culture rather than courageously stand against it and the evil it espouses. The greatest need for courage is in the marketplace, identifying with Jesus. Corporate leaders are cowering to the culture rather than insisting on identifying with Jesus and the truth He has spoken for everyone to follow in the Scriptures. Perhaps the most significant reason our culture is increasingly hostile to Christianity is because Christian men are doing nothing to change the hearts and minds of the pagans to win them to Christ. This is the mission of every Christian, which most Christian men have abandoned, choosing to love success in the world more than reward in the next world. Courage is increasingly required for identifying with Jesus today, resulting from cowardice these past forty years. Paul’s admonition applies to the Christian male today: act like men!

my book MAN Up! can help you by providing a solid aiming point for moving forward in your journey to Biblical Masculinity


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