One of the arguments against Christianity is that anyone can be forgiven by God no matter what evil they have ever done or how far out of balance a person’s bad deeds outweigh their good deeds.
This is also one of the most beautiful truths of Christianity, one that sets it apart from every other religion and truly proves that if there really is a God then certainly He exists as that One portrayed by Christianity.
Since God requires perfection (and doesn’t that make sense if God is perfect) and since people are incapable of perfection we need a God Who loves, forgives and pardons not based upon our failed performance but upon His perfection. This is exactly what God has done through Jesus Christ for all those who seek God asking for His forgiveness.
In that moment of repentance and reconciliation God declares the repentant sinner a perfect son though the visible manifestation of that declaration has yet to occur.
God is perfecting or sanctifying those whom He has declared perfect and holy.
Those who claim to be Christian are still flawed, still broken, still in need of change but they are forgiven, they have been pardoned and they have been given salvation not because of what they have done or failed to do but because of what Jesus did and transferred to those who call Him Savior.
This uniquely Christian truth causes those who understand it to truly love God and to strive with all their energy to please this good God Who has done so much for them both now and in the age to come.