The Bonhoeffer movie that premiered this weekend portrayed the true meaning of ‘Christian’ nationalism. The Church in Germany became a voice of coercion, acceptance, and promotion of Hitler’s ideology. They approved the rewrite of the Bible, the removal of sacred symbols, including the cross from the church, and the tolerant acceptance of the murder of the Jews living in Germany.
Christian nationalism is a derogatory term the left has been throwing around these past few years at conservative Christians who hold to Biblical values for society and believe that our forefathers reflected those values in the establishment of our country’s founding documents.
As the movie demonstrated, true ‘Christian’ nationalism is the Church surrendering to the voice of government and culture to promote and approve its behavior at the expense of their allegiance to Jesus Christ and the promotion of obedience to His Scripture. There are indeed many American ‘Christian’ nationalists. All those who support the murder of the unborn and condone the lifestyle of the LGBTQ community are true ‘Christian’ nationalists, for they have rejected their God to appease the god of this age. Often, this justification is called love, but it is not, at least not love for God.
Christians who argue their beliefs in the public square, inviting people to vote for their candidates who promote Biblical morality, are not Christian nationalists but Christians who understand they are to influence the entire culture toward obedience to Christ. This work is done by serving people and sharing the gospel respectfully but consistently. This has always been the way of the true Church in America. Scripture was never rewritten for our country, except by the Mormons, who are not part of the true Church, nor was anyone ever coerced to believe and receive Jesus as Savior by a so-called Christian government. Before we became the United States of America, some states required church membership and/or confession to hold public office only, but these requirements were not included in our constitution. Those who refused such confession were free to move to states with no such requirements, and they did, aka Rhode Island.
The true ‘Christian’ nationalists of America have been bullying and coercing America for these past twenty years through litigation, suing those who oppose them, demanding the education of their debauchery in the schools to our children, and bullying the corporate world to pay for their parades. All those who claim to be Christian and support these things are the wolves in sheep’s clothing, the deceived, and the deceivers of the truth.
Christians should watch the Bonhoeffer movie and see what ‘Christian’ nationalists are capable of when the true Church loses its courage and its voice to speak and live in obedience to everything Jesus has commanded.