Christmas is nearly upon us, the celebration of the coming of God to live among people, first as a human child and then as the sacrificial Savior of the world.
But the world denies God so we call this time of year the holiday season; a time of gift giving, eating and family. Or we invent a new reason to celebrate, kwanza, developed in the 1960’s to explain the reason for this season apart from Jesus, Who is God, Who has come to live with people.
The Bible repeats itself throughout its story that there is only One God Who is and Who was and Who ever will be. This one God commands all of His creation that He has made, all of life that He sustains by the goodness of His will, to honor Him and to obey Him as God.
Christmas remembers God wanting to make Himself so clear to us that He became one of us and lived among us so that we could see and hear Him for ourselves.
Does it not make sense that there is really only One God?
Do we think the Hindus are correct that there are thousands of gods each competing for our devotion and loyalty? Do we really believe the atheists who tell us there is no God and whose denial of God elevates man to the place of God; do we really believe people are gods?
If there is a God doesn’t it make sense He would want us to know Who He is and what He requires from us? If there really is a God doesn’t it behoove us to get to know Him?
The Bible is the recorded history, will and ways of God culminating in the person of Jesus the Christ.
Only by acknowledging Jesus as God and Savior and following His commands can we properly celebrate Christmas and He is the only means for getting us into heaven.