Christians must not choose to work remotely, permanently

Matthew 28.19-20 commands, Go, therefore, and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to follow all that I commanded you; and behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age. NASB2020


For most Christians, the ‘go’ command in the Great Commission has been left for missionaries who leave the United states and travel across the globe to share the gospel. Rare is the Christian who associates the ‘go’ command to their neighborhood or their marketplace. But in these days, the opportunity to apply the ‘go’ command in a practical way has never been greater.


The opportunity Christians now have to work from home remotely and permanently could drastically impact they’re effectiveness for Christ in the marketplace. Without contact there is no impact. This is why Jesus commanded us to go. We are to go to people and share the gospel beginning with living lives of love and service to people so that their hearts and minds are open to the message of the gospel.


Increasingly Christians are choosing to work remotely from home in order to enjoy the comfort of their families in their own household. This choice will further erode the effectiveness of the gospel in the marketplace. Already we find ourselves having made little impact these past 50 years because we have not been diligent to go to our neighbor and share the gospel. We have chosen to be good people but being good has not resulted in people being saved.


It is the salvation of men that changes the hearts of men and thus the minds of men, resulting in the communities of men being transformed by Christ. Until a man is fully surrendered to the gospel, he will continue to live a disobedient life before God. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.


Christians must go, now more so than ever before, to the marketplace where they live in order to see men come to Christ. Now is NOT the time to choose to work remotely away from the mission field that exists in our own

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