Church: Make America Great Again

Isaiah 64.7 observes, no one calls on Your name or strives to lay hold of You; for You have hidden Your face from us and have given us over to our sins.

This chapter, like many of the previous chapters, seems to speak to our country and our church today. All of the many things going wrong in our culture has not driven many yet to the point of perpetual prayer. Who is striving to lay hold of God?


Neither am I weeping and pleading with God for Him to come and revitalize His people over long periods of passionate prayer. Why are we so dead? Is it because our bellies are still full? Because we still play and do as we please without much inconvenience? How much worse must things become before we repent, humble ourselves, turn from our wicked ways and seek His face for righteousness and truth to saturate our society?


I fear more evil will come because I see so few waking to how ungodly we must appear before the Holy One Whose eye searches throughout the whole earth for those who walk in His ways and obey His commands. The answer is not these marches for justice with a godless organization that often leads to greater evil while at the same time our highest court makes the murder of the unborn increasingly easier.


The answer is when the people of God are praying for the presence of God while sharing the person of God at the same time reflecting the image of God to the rest of our world. We, God’s people, are to humble ourselves and repent. Repent from not making disciples by teaching and living in obedience to all that Jesus has commanded. We, the Church, must turn from our wicked ways and seek the Lord through prayer, Scripture and service to others for where He is, seeking and saving the lost, there His servants will be.


The Lord is still working and is still seeking laborers in His over ripe harvest field. Who will leave their lives of leisure to work with God as servants of God weeping as they gather the sheaves?

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