There is too much faith without works in our churches today. The people of God expect the hirelings to do the work when the Scripture commands the hirelings to equip the people for works of service to God. Why is this to be the case?
Because it is the people who interact daily with the lost while the religious leaders remain cloistered in prayer and study. The true Christian, the one whose faith is demonstrated by their works, give, serve and share their lives and their faith so that others come to know Jesus as Savior and become like Him in their obedience to God.
As the Son of Man gave His life, so too we are to give our time, talent and treasure to building the kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven. Our earthly resources are to produce eternal reward being used to win men to Christ and to grow men in Christ. These resources are not limited to money but our talents also, since we too are gifted by God for building the body of Christ.
As the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve so too we are to serve humanity for helping them see Christ so that they receive Christ. Serving is doing that outside of our talent and treasure because it costs us more and is uncomfortable for us just as our Savior served at great cost and discomfort when He asked the cup to be passed. Nevertheless, we serve because it is not our will but His will we are doing.
Finally, we are to share the good news of God’s love and work for all humanity through Jesus the Savior. The great commission is the mission by which all Christians will be measured for their reward. If we want to be great in God’s kingdom we must be about the business of bearing much fruit for the kingdom proving ourselves to be His disciples.
If we practice giving, serving and sharing as much as we can, as often as we can, to all that we can we will find ourselves warmly welcomed by our Judge and Savior Jesus the King on that day when He measures and rewards each person for their deeds accomplished while on this earth.