Psalm 19.1 declares the heavens proclaim the glory of God.
The earth leads us in declaring the glory of God, His magnificence, His majesty, His power and His beauty.
God made the heavens and the earth to declare and to reflect His awesomeness and to testify before stubborn humanity that God does indeed exist, is all-powerful, immensely complex, grand beyond measure yet detailed to the size of an atom.
When God holds each person accountable for living also for His glory He will point to the wonder of creation as a witness against those who in their pride and rebellion pretended He did not exist.
Earth with all of creation is to be joined in celebrating He Who made all things and by His good pleasure holds all things together.
Earth day should be enjoined by Christians as a special day of worship of the God Who declared both earth and its inhabitants good from the beginning but now in need of salvation.
The earth groans in anticipation for the coming King for it too is not able to do all it wants for pleasing God. It yields thorns and thistles when it was designed only to produce good fruit. It kills those made in the image of God with its uncontrolled winds, waves and quakes.
As those who love God will be given a new body to live with Him forever so too a new earth is coming that will exist forever and together with all humanity the Great God, the Only True God, will be worshiped, praised and honored forever and ever.
Let the celebration begin!