God wants us to know Him, see Him and hear Him.
God is not trying to make Himself aloof from us nor is He waiting for us to grovel enough before He reveals Himself to us. God prefers the name Father to be used by His people and as an earthly father desires good for his children so much more does our Creator Father desire to do us good.
So why is knowing Him and experiencing God so difficult?
We struggle with our relationship with God because we do so little to work at it and we pursue Him not for His purposes and glory but for our own comfort and pleasures. When God lived among us He modeled the dogged daily pursuit of God spending long hours in prayer in the evening while doing only the Father’s will during the day. Jesus did not come to do His will but the will of the Father.
God has recorded His will in the Scriptures. Dogged daily, passionate, pursuit of knowing God through the Scriptures is the practice of those who truly love God and experience Him. Step one to experiencing God is to seek to know well the will of God as recorded in the Bible.
Once our minds are saturated with God’s word our eyes begin to open to His wonder in the world and His subtle, gentle, humble engagement of our lives and His creation. God reveals Himself most clearly to those who know Him and do His will. Having read His will the responsibility is to do His will and those who do His will see God. The second step to experiencing God is not something we do but the result of our knowing God’s will and applying it to our lives.
As we are beginning to see God as a result of obeying God the real fun begins as we experience the Voice of God in our hearts through His Holy Spirit Who now initiates action in our lives. The will of God is to be practically applied in our daily lives which occurs as the Spirit of God teaches us how to love our neighbor and how to manifest the glory of God on earth as it is in heaven.
Experiencing God daily through the Spirit of God is the life God wants us to enjoy.
The result of experiencing Him is the proclamation of His work in Jesus to the world and the doing of good to people in order to help them see and experience the love of God. The promise of knowing, seeing and hearing is for those who by doing are engaged in the purpose of God which is the reconciliation of the world to God in Jesus the Savior.
Just as Jesus knew God because He was God He always did the work of God so too if we know God we will experience God because we are fully engaged in the work of God.