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Fathers Are Truly Saved When They Are Intentional Disciple Makers Of Thier Children

“This is the one about whom it is written: See, I am sending my messenger ahead of you; he will prepare your way before you…..And if you’re willing to accept it, he is the Elijah who is to come.” Matthew 11:10, 14 CSB


The Old Testament ends with God’s promise to send His messenger to prepare God’s people for His coming (Malachi 4.6). This messenger would prepare for the Messiah’s coming by preparing the people for His arrival. What would this preparation look like? He would tell the people to repent and, in repenting, for fathers to turn their hearts to their children lest God strike the land with a curse. Fathers are to raise godly children so that generations of disciples are developed for God’s church to grow in breadth and depth across the world. Failure to produce godly children is a failure to embrace the coming of the Messiah in our souls. Are we Christian men? Then, we must raise godly children. If we are not intentional in our Christian parenting, perhaps we are not rightly related to our God and Savior, Jesus Christ. This expectation God has for fathers to train children when He comes to save is repeated in Luke 1.17 when John the Baptist is described as God’s messenger coming to prepare for God’s arrival. Jesus acknowledges John the Baptist as the promised Elijah to come before Him. Are we responding to God’s messenger appropriately as we prepare to meet God ourselves on that day when we see the Savior face to face? If we love Jesus, we will love our children by training them in the way they should go so they will not depart from it when they are older.

For a Biblical target to aim at I invite you to read my book MAN Up! available at Amazon

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