We no longer think of fearing God for God is love and so we have softened Him into a Santa-like figure Who is only interested in kindness, goodness and love.
Yet when God the Son discusses God the Father He warns that we should fear Him for He alone has the power to cast people into eternal torment.
Most modern religions ignore hell believing at best everyone goes to heaven and at worst there really is no God so we just remain asleep after dying. Very convenient but very untrue.
Jesus clearly teaches all people will be held accountable before God for how and why we lived our lives the way we did while occupying this earth.
After commanding His disciples to fear God, Jesus lists some of the criteria God will use to judge people’s eternal destiny.
First is how readily and consistently we confessed before people that Jesus is God our Savior.
The business of God is the work of making God known throughout the world. The people of God are expected to tell others about Jesus unashamedly and without regard to personal cost.
Second, is how rich we were with our resources toward this work of God.
Jesus condemns the man who lived for his retirement years but was not rich toward God. Jesus encourages the selling of everything for the gaining of eternal reward.
Finally, Jesus commands we remain diligent working while waiting for His return to earth.
The servant found busy about the Master’s business is the person whom God will reward and welcome with joy into His heavenly kingdom.