No matter how much we have we always want more. Discontent runs rampant in the heart of man.
Much time and fortune is spent upon ourselves trying to fill this vacuum that will not be satisfied.
Increasingly people are unhappy with their lives frustrated at their lack of significant meaning and contentment.
Why is this so? Because we have been removed from Eden!
People were created by God for God to serve God but when we rebelled against God we were physically removed from our place of peace and God removed Himself from physically walking with men creating a vacuum in our hearts.
Until the restoration and the creation of the new heavens and earth a chasm exists between God and man.
Yet God has built a bridge over this chasm: Jesus Christ the Lord.
Those who recognize Him as their Savior and surrender their time, talent and treasure to Him as Lord can have the peace, joy and contentment they crave.
This is practically possible by losing our lives in Christ instead of constantly trying to gain our lives through position and possessions. When we give ourselves to God as His slaves we give ourselves completely to His purposes and when His purpose consumes our soul we enter His peace and find real purpose for our lives.
God’s purpose is the reconciliation of all people to Himself.
God gave His greatest resource to reconcile people to Himself: the blood of Jesus the Son.
Those who would know freedom from want and significant meaning for their lives will commit all their resources of time, talent and treasure to people and their reconciliation to God.