God had just blessed Peter with his greatest catch of fish ever, so much that Peter was embarrassed by it causing him to confess to God how unworthy he was to receive such a blessing.
Peter did not interpret this blessing as a confirmation that he should stay in business but rather he saw it as a demonstration of the love and generosity of God Who can and will provide for His people where previously there was nothing (just the night before Peter had attempted to fish but caught nothing).
Having given Peter a windfall God now called Peter to leave it behind in order to follow Him Whose work is the catching of people for eternal life. God calls all of His people to this work for it is the only work that matters for all eternity.
Most Christians are busy trying to provide for themselves at the expense of following Jesus where they can provide for God.
God is building His kingdom and has chosen to make people the means by which He accomplishes His work. While He could do the work Himself or even send heavenly beings to do His work for Him, He has instead chosen to use people to catch people for eternal life.
Therefore Christians who will be fruitful workers for God must engage the work of winning people to Jesus Christ.
To accomplish this work Christians must abandon the goal of worldly wealth and its temporal pleasures and instead follow Jesus by doing what He did in the manner in which He did it.
Practically this means using what we have to serve people while telling people the good news of God’s redemption through Jesus the Christ.