These things, Jesus said, that men pursue after hearing about God’s love and sacrifice for them, cause His purpose to be choked making a man unfruitful.
What will it mean for the person who stands before God and received the good news of God’s work through Jesus Christ but produced nothing?
What will it mean for the person who believes they were a Christian but has nothing of eternal value to offer God because their lives were spent on worldly causes, wealthy pleasures and desiring other things?Will these people even enter the kingdom of heaven?
Certainly God alone is Judge but He will judge every person rewarding every person for the work they accomplished toward the building of His eternal kingdom.
Very few American Christians can identify any person they have led into the kingdom of God. Very few American Christians can list the people they have personally taught to obey all the commands of Jesus Christ. Very few American Christians have sacrificed financially in order to see God’s Kingdom come to earth as it is in heaven.
Why should the King of kings be impressed with our church attendance without our best effort at increasing church attendance among all people?
What kind of God do we worship Who cares little for how we effect His purposes on earth?
Jesus Who only did His Father’s will at the cost of His own life will measure every person by their following Him into denying self and carrying their own cross.
In the end, who will live with God because they lived as Jesus did?