The final book of the Bible begins and ends nearly the same: with a warning that those who live forever with God on the new earth He will create after judging all people from all time concerning their obedience to His commands, are people who conquered their self by submitting their will to the Lordship of Jesus Christ.
While no person can live a perfect life of obedience to God, every person is to submit to God and allow the Spirit of God to rule through them causing them to live a life of perfect surrender to God.
The Bible is clear that forgiveness from God is not gained by doing more good than bad but by asking God for mercy and forgiveness.
The Bible is equally clear that all people will be judged by the deeds they did or failed to do while they took their turn living on this earth.
The Bible makes clear people are accountable to God for their words and deeds yet the deed that gives a person eternal life with God on the new earth is the work of Jesus the Christ when He sacrificed Himself as Savior of the world upon the cross.
God expects those who acknowledge Jesus as Savior to live in obedience to Jesus.
Talkers who claim to be believers in God yet fail to do the works of God are called hypocrites in the last book of God and are not welcome into the Kingdom of God.
Those who conquer, those who consistently live in obedience to God overcoming their own flesh, the ways of the world and the temptations of the devil in order to please God, will live with God forever.