Titus 1.1 claims it is their knowledge of the truth that leads to godliness.
What is the goal of our lives? Personal happiness? Peace? Joy? Fulfilled relationships? Godliness? The last one probably doesn’t make the top ten list for most people because pleasing God is something we think of generally and not specifically.
Sure we want to be good per se but we don’t pursue goodness for ‘goodness’ sake. We are so self absorbed that we believe we are pretty good and that God is pretty happy with us regardless of how much we really check in with Him to see if our belief is true.
So we go about seeking our own definition of importance trusting that if God isn’t good with it He will somehow make that known to us.
That’s like knowing a test is coming but rather than studying the text book we were supplied we allow our experience to guide us through the exam believing we have enough inherent knowledge to pass the test.
God made humanity. He is the Creator and He created us in His image. God is on a mission to restore us into the image of Himself; the image that reflects Him perfectly in our nature, character and ways.
This was the way Jesus lived and the way Jesus taught us to live places us in harmony with the objective God has for us.
God is godly, therefore His work is to make us godly. Our cooperation in God’s work is necessary for reaching the objective, the goal of being godly as God is godly.
Simple concept really. Difficult in practice only because we ignore the source of the one thing we need for participating fully and successfully in the process of being made godly. That source is the world’s only objective truth because it is God’s Word, the Bible.
God has recorded His will and His ways so that we will know how to live. By living as He directs we become transformed into His image.
The objective of godliness is obtained through the reading, studying and applying of the Scripture to our life. Again, simply really.
The issue isn’t what should we do, God has told us that.
The issue is will we pursue knowing what we should do so we can do it in order to please Him Who made us for that very purpose.