Oh that everyone in the marketplace would hear God ask them this question. In truth, God has transitioned this question to a command telling us all to go and make disciples. When God lived among us as one of us, Jesus the Savior, He said He came to change His followers into fishers of men.
We desperately need people who see their workplace as their island, and they themselves as God’s chosen missionary, sent to that island, for winning and discipling all who work there. We need more people like Isaiah who see God and respond to Him by stepping forward so they can step toward others with the gospel. Too many fear losing their job, disdain from their fellow workers, and being separated from the crowd to identify with Jesus and win people to Jesus.
The process is simple: pray, relate and inform in order to help people come to know Jesus as Savior. We must meet with other missionaries and pray for the people in our world to know Jesus. We must build bridges of influence into the lives of these people we are praying for, by loving them, serving them and befriending them. Finally, we must engage them with truth from God’s word, sharing Jesus’ life, death and resurrection with them so that they too can understand, repent, believe and receive Jesus as Savior and thus eternal life.
No greater work can we do to demonstrate our love for God than to obey the Great Commission. No greater love can we show our neighbor than to share with them the means for knowing God personally and guaranteeing their destiny from hell to heaven.