The worship God requires is not determined by people but by God so that people’s worship is truly honoring to God.
The worship God requires is first born from a relationship with Him – the brokenness from God people enter the world with is fixed through confession, repentance and commitment to Jesus as Lord and Savior thanks to His sacrifice at Calvary.
This is what is required for people to be born again and receive the Spirit of God which is the first requirement of God for worshiping Him.
Second, while people must be born again they still dwell in a body opposed to the ways of God which can cause us to be proud and selfish even in the worship of God.
God requires worship that is true, that is genuine, that is not for personal gain or to garner other people’s approval but is focused solely upon the goodness and greatness of God.
Thus Jesus teaches that the true worshipers are those who worship God in Spirit and in truth. Amazingly God is pro-active in seeking such worshipers.
God does not sit back passively waiting for men to discover Him, neither is He content to accept any form of worship people choose to bring to Him whatever that may be.
Since God has revealed Himself to people in Jesus He has specific requirements of people for worshiping Him.
All religions do not lead to the same God, neither do they honor God as He requires.
Jesus said He is the Way, the Truth and the Life meaning He is the only Way, the only Truth and the only source of Life.
If there really is a God doesn’t is seem like He would have an approved form of worship?
Jesus, Who is God, is both the means to worship and the way to worship.