God sees all, not just the bad but the good too.
It pleases God when His people obey His commands demonstrating their likeness of Him before others who have yet to discover their Creator.
God is called Father and like any estranged parent from their child, the Father God desires reconciliation and restoration with all of His children who are all the people of the world. As every parent enjoys and takes pride in the doing of good by their children so too God is pleased when our good deeds done for the benefit of others cause them to praise God for His goodness demonstrated through His people.
Christians are to do good not for recognition but because doing good is the normal result of being related to Him Who is always good.
Jesus was desired for His good deeds but He certainly wasn’t rewarded by men for those good deeds. In His moment of crisis people turned on Him and shouted, ‘crucify Him.’
If we do good to be recognized by others we lose the reward God has planned for those who do good in obscurity just as He did when He lived among us as Jesus.
God is not ignorant of our prayers and offerings but like His daily demonstration to all people of His goodness through rain and sun, He expects us to persevere in doing good until He returns to reward every person who remained faithful until the end.