When the Church started, following Jesus resurrection and the outpouring of His Holy Spirit upon His Apostles, three key activities occurred which resulted in tremendous growth of God’s New Covenant people.
First was courageous preaching.
The Apostles and other leaders in the Church spoke God’s Word boldly testifying to the work and person of Jesus Christ and how He proved Himself to be the only means for men to be reconciled to God. Unless people who know Jesus tell those who don’t know Jesus about Jesus they will not be able to reconcile themselves with God due to their ignorance of God.
Second, great miracles were occurring through the hands of the Apostles.
God used miracles to prove the power of His people’s message. Jesus did the same thing when He spoke to people before His crucifixion and resurrection. While this method is still used today God transitioned, and still transitions, to the third means of proving His presence in the life of His people.
This third means was the unity among believers and the love for one another they exhibited toward each other through the care they provided each other.
Miracles are great but a greater miracle is when a person gives generously of himself and his stuff for the benefit of his fellow man.
The early believers took care of one another in the Church. While the church also helped those outside its community they understood their first responsibility was to those inside the community. Their love for one another was a very powerful magnet for people wanting to come to know Jesus as Savior.
If we are going to see God’s Kingdom come and His will be done on earth today we are going to have to speak to others about Jesus courageously and love those in the Church generously.