We need the foundation of the Lord in these times. His ways are the good ways that make it so that men can live with one another in joy, peace and prosperity. His commands are the means by which men can thrive together for they care nothing for color or gender but require all men to love one another as they love themselves.
If we only placed loving God and loving one another as the highest priority in our lives these senseless murders and destructive responses would not exist. Instead, a different foundation has been laid over these past 70 years. While the church has focused internally the Marxists, the atheists and the new age believers have taken over our public schools, our universities, our media and our government. Their foundation is anarchy, division, selfishness and self-aggrandizement for the pursuit of personal pleasures – but there are none.
Murder is up, crime is up, suicide is up, drug use is up, chaos is up. Men lack peace and joy because they lack love. The church has the only answer to the current problem. Under Covid stay at home orders, the church has been removed from its four walls, perhaps so that it will move freely in this time that so desperately needs it. But will the church move?
Will the church, black and white, demonstrate love for God and love for humanity by serving, giving and leading its people, and finally, all people, into obedience of all that God has commanded us? These times demonstrate the poverty of obedience the church has made among its people while its God ordained mission has always been to make disciples by teaching obedience to all of Jesus’ commands.
The church has but one purpose, to bring God’s kingdom to earth as it is in heaven. Those who claim to be in Christ must walk as Jesus did. Doing this is reflected by His words and deeds summed up as, not My will but Your will be done. And what is His will? To seek and save the lost teaching them to obey everything He has commanded us.