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Marketplace Christians Must Work and Witness

“So the warden put Joseph in charge of all those held in the prison, and he was made responsible for all that was done there. The warden paid no attention to anything under Joseph’s care, because the Lord was with Joseph and gave him success in whatever he did.”…..We both had dreams,” they answered, “but there is no one to interpret them.” Then Joseph said to them, “Do not interpretations belong to God? Tell me your dreams.”” Genesis 39:22-23, 40:8 NIV


Joseph was a leader because he was a servant. Joseph was humble and helpful, so he identified with God and helped others experience God. This is the role of the Christian. We need to be like Joseph. We must provide excellence and integrity in the marketplace in our products and services. Whether we are employees grinding out a job, manufacturers making a product or selling services, whatever we do is to be done for the glory of God and the benefit of man whom I love as I love myself. The greatest of all is the servant of all and in this world of compromise and competition, the man who serves, gives, and goes the extra mile will be recognized and rewarded. But we must do more. Joseph identified with his God before others to reveal God to them so they might know there is only one God. Joseph’s statement that God interprets dreams was his means of using his relationship with God to help others understand God through his service to them. Identifying with Jesus is the only way people will know we serve Jesus and are not simply good people. We must move people toward Jesus lest they perish apart from Jesus and suffer eternity in hell. Leaving people in their ignorance of Jesus as God and Savior means not being a servant of God nor loving our neighbor as ourselves, for we all want to live forever in righteousness, love, and peace with God and others. The Christian in the marketplace must work well, but he must also serve God by taking every opportunity for others to know Christ personally even as they experience Christ practically through our serving their best interests.

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