A long time ago Judah had a king whose name was Jehoshaphat, he was a good king who followed the Lord and sought to keep the people’s hearts devoted to God. However he had a propensity that greatly irritated the Lord and was a source of both trouble and rebuke for Jehoshaphat.
This sin that God despised in Jehoshaphat was that of trying to cooperate with the king of Israel whose heart was evil before the Lord.
Like Jehoshaphat, the modern Church has done much to befriend the world rather than stand apart from the world.Much compromise has crept into the Church because of this overwhelming desire to fit into rather than be separate from the world.
Much of the Church buys into evolution, abortion and homosexuality – all things the Lord clearly condemns in His Word. We dress like the world with our daughters wearing provocative outfits while we live and speak like the pagans pursuing fame, fortune and fun rather than being focused on the Kingdom of God being brought to earth by the works of our hands and the testimony of our mouths.
Jesus was despised by the world because He testified that its deeds were evil.
The gospel begins with repent for we have all sinned against God.
Like Jesus, the Church should be constantly engaged in doing good for people so that God’s love for humanity can be clearly seen.
But like Jesus, the Church must not be pulled into the world’s ways of greed and selfishness.
Jesus loved the world and gave His life as a sacrifice so that sinful people could be reconciled to God.
We too must love, give and sacrifice so that the world will come to hear and believe that Jesus alone is Savior and the only hope for sinful people to be reconciled to God even if the world hates us in the process.