Have Faith? Obey God!

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Romans 16.26 observes the obedience of faith.

Most Christians agree that it takes faith to get into heaven.

The Bible declares that it is indeed by faith alone we are saved though this too is a gift from God. Furthermore the Bible teaches that without faith it is impossible to please God.

Unfortunately the word faith has become synonymous with belief for many people. While faith certainly includes believing it goes beyond mere intellectual agreement with the concept of God.

Faith takes action upon belief. Often the actions taken are counter-intuitive and counter-culture.

Examples of faith are forgiving the abuser, not taking revenge but overlooking, giving generously even when personal funds are low, serving others when we don’t have to and telling others about Jesus while fearing they might reject us. Faith is obeying God Who demands we place other’s interests above our own which forces us to become an odd people in a world that is increasingly absorbed by pleasure and personal gain.

People of faith forgive much because they have been forgiven much. People of faith give much because they trust God to supply their needs and they are not seeking to accumulate the treasure of this world. People of faith serve because God came to serve and not be served so they live like their Master.

The enemy of God believes but he has no faith for he has no works that glorify God or benefit people.

If we claim to have faith in Jesus then we will have works of obedience to prove it.

How are you proving your faith?


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