God choose His people to live with Him forever in His Kingdom and to live now in such a way that He is seen and glorified in the world.
Since the rebellion against God in the garden of Eden, God has been on a mission to reclaim His glory among humanity by both reconciling humanity to Himself and by changing the hearts of people so that they live to please God.
God is holy so He requires His children to be holy as well.
Unfortunately most Christians do not take God’s will seriously in this matter.
Most Christians do not seek to be holy and unblemished by the world as the Father wills for them to live. Most Christians, while believing in God, fail to live in submission to God. Most Christians are more concerned with obtaining the approval of our culture than living for the approval of God.
This failure to seek God first, to obey God foremost, to serve God and His purposes zealously, has led the world to believe that Christians are no different than anyone else.
Christians look, speak and act too much like their pagan counterparts fearing the disapproval of men more than they fear the judgment of God.
Our nation languishes because of our sinful behavior when the only means for living healthy and productive lives is through obedience to God.
The Bible is God’s written record of His will and His ways so that His people can know Him and live lives that glorify Him.
We must return to diligently seeking Him then fervently obeying God if we would become holy and unblemished in His sight.