The purpose of God for the earth is to establish His kingdom upon it so that all people acknowledge Jesus as Savior, King and Lord on earth just as everything does in heaven.
The means by which God is accomplishing His purpose is through the Church which is the collective body of God’s sons and daughters, those who have acknowledged Jesus as Savior and Lord over their lives.
The work of God is to extend in breadth to every nation , tribe and tongue but it is also to extend in depth within every child of God until all of His people are fully formed into the image of Jesus.
This eternal work of God is done by Him in the Holy Spirit through the use of His eternal and good commands which, when obeyed, transform us into ever more similarity to Jesus the Son of God.
Obedience to the commands of God require the sacrifice of people for they will often conflict with our natural way of living. This natural way has been corrupted from creation when our forefather Adam rebelled against God causing everyone since to be born with a natural propensity to ignore and disobey God.
This is why God commanded us to be born again of the Spirit for His plan is for His Holy Spirit to reside within His people empowering them to live in obedience to His commands in order to produce the work He intends to be done through His Church.
We must therefore seek God in an ever increasing measure through the Scriptures first so we might know what God commands and thus set our minds to obedience and second through prayer that we might connect with the power of the Holy Spirit for practically obeying those commands in our specific context.