Do our hearts burn within us when we hear the Scriptures thoroughly explained to us?
Some complain they cannot understand the Bible. These people must come to God in fear and trembling repentant of their sins for all those born of God hear the words of God but the unspiritual man cannot understand the things of God.
Our Father Who dwells in heaven and is Lord over all that is and was and is to come, has communicated to us in the Scriptures the height and breadth and depth and length of His love for us in Christ Jesus so that we may love Him and be reconciled to Him.
If we have no taste for the Word of God we very well may not be children of God for the Word of God is life and our very bread for spiritual living.
Far too many who call themselves Christians ignore reading and studying the Bible to their own spiritual stagnation. A sermon attended once a week is insufficient for making a person mature in Christ even as eating one meal per week would lead to our physical immaturity.
The Bible declares God’s word to be living and active piercing to the depths of our soul and so it is to all those who diligently seek God through its pages.
God has provided everything we need for knowing Him and doing His will through His Holy Spirit and the Scriptures He has given to us.
When we stand before the Judge of all men we will be without excuse if we have not lived on this earth in such a way as to glorify God.
God dearly loves us and invites us into a relationship with Himself; the Scriptures are our primary means for doing this.