The Lord longs to bless His people with Himself. We however long for lesser things.
Had Israel obeyed the Lord they would have enjoyed long-life, the best return from their labor and the health of their families. This is all we really want anyway.
Rather than receiving these things as a result of an obedient-love relationship with God we pursue them through our own selfish means only to never obtain satisfaction from them or their pursuit.
We abuse our bodies through various poisons, stress and improper diet so that our health is always an issue. Work is a burden as we strive to achieve so that we can obtain the goal of success, wealth and prominence. Our families are often fractured as a result of our selfish pursuits and pleasures so that divorce is rampant and children are ignored more than instructed to walk with God.
If we would find our lives we must lose them Jesus promised.
It takes faith to believe God is good and that His ways are best and that He is committed to us when we are committed to Him.
We pursue everything but God when God is all we really need.
If we would love Him first and most we would find that nothing else is worth giving our lives to. God is love, He has demonstrated His love to us through Jesus’ life, death and resurrection and He continues to shower us with His mercy, kindness and compassion daily.
The world needs a Savior, it is broken because people love themselves more than God and we refuse to humble ourselves and obey Him wholeheartedly.
The few who really do seek God and love Him find He really does fill them with everything they have ever wanted.