God knows everything. God tells us everything we need to know in order for us to please Him.
Most religion is like the wizard of Oz story; hope for help but filled with obscurity about both the way and the man behind the curtain who once discovered is found to be a sham. Not so the One True God.
Man has consistently tried to disprove God historically, psychologically, scientifically and sociologically only to consistently be frustrated by the Bible’s eternal truths standing strong.
God is truth so God is not worried about human efforts to disprove Him but these efforts and their corollary of ignoring and thus disobeying Him hurt us immensely.
God is love and so has revealed Himself and recorded His will and ways through the Scriptures so that we can know Him and obey Him.
Most people find God hard to understand and are uncertain as to what He requires. This ignorance however is the result of not knowing, studying or reading the Scriptures.
God longs to be known and loved. His Holy Spirit moves throughout the earth calling people into a relationship with Himself.
God longs for the affection of humanity because He created us to love Him and is pained by our suffering so needlessly as we continue to love everything but Him.
Our best life is the one lived with God for the glory of God.
We were created by God to know God and to serve God and when we are living this way our life is whole and healthy.
God wants us to live productive lives, meaningful lives but this life is found only when its purpose is increasing the greatness of the knowledge of God throughout the earth.