In many ways God lets us see reality so we can believe in ultimate reality.
We all know everyone dies eventually. We don’t talk about it, we hate the reality of it but we all face it sometime.
The reason we despise death is because we were created to live forever. We are not disposable products of God but rather, as created beings in the image of God, like Him, we were meant and therefore desire, to live forever.
The consequence of our rebellion against God is death – first spiritual as we are born ignorant of God and rebellious against God, then physical whether as children or adults.
But there is a resurrection from the dead.
Just as we see all die we must believe all will be raised from the dead. Just as we see physical birth we must believe we need to be born again spiritually to live with God forever.
All will be raised from the dead but not all will live with God in heaven. Those who have been born again in Spirit will live with God forever but those who refuse to follow Jesus will live forever in torment with all the other unbelievers who likewise despised God and refused to obey His commands.
In God’s mercy He has given us insight into His ways making them most clear thorough the Scriptures.
In Jesus, God has been born into our world, was killed by men of this world and was raised from the dead out of this world.
This is true regardless of our belief but until we believe what we believe will determine where we spend eternity following our death and resurrection.