The Christian is not to live, look, speak, or work like others who do not know the One true God. Christians are to live as Jesus did for they too are children of God.
Few Christians will do the powerful works of Jesus Who used them to prove His deity, but all Christians are to live like Him in their commitment to seek and save the lost by serving humanity even to the point of suffering death for their salvation.
Jesus is the Truth of God incarnate because He is the Word of God incarnate. It is the word of God that reveals the will of God so that men might engage the works of God to the glory of God. It is this pursuit of knowing and doing the Word of God, the real truth of what is and what matters for eternity, that sets Christians apart from the world that pursues their own ends by their own means.
Christians are different, set apart, because God’s ways are not man’s ways. If we call ourselves Christian but are indistinguishable from the people of the world by our lifestyle and our life pursuits, then perhaps we are not really Christians at all but merely believers in God just as the evil one is a believer but in no way similar, to the Savior of the world.
The depth of our understanding and adherence to the word of God will be reflected in the breadth of our similarity and service to the will of God Whose work is for all men to know Him and Jesus Christ Whom He has sent.