The world was becoming increasingly more rebellious against God. Lying, stealing, murder and sexual immorality were on the rise violating God’s desire for people to love one another as they love themselves. Things were becoming so bad that even angels were mixing with people to do things that were evil in the sight of God.
But Noah!
Noah is the lone bright spot in this chapter. Noah was the good in a world gone bad. Noah brought pleasure to God Who continued to search for those who loved Him by living in accordance with His commands. It was Noah’s efforts at living life according to God’s will that caused God to be pleased with Noah.
There is much evil in our world today. The violence that humanity brings against humanity seems to be never ending and likely increasing.
God still scans the earth searching for those who love Him by living in accordance to His commands.
There are still those who bring pleasure to God and they are like Noah, people making their best effort to do God’s will.
God plans to recreate the earth one day and only those who made their life purpose the pleasure of God will dwell with God forever on the new earth. All of those, and they are the majority of people, who lived selfishly and ignored the commands of God, will be gathered together as well to live with one another in eternal torment.
All people will live forever but where we will spend eternity is determined by how we are living currently: whether to please God or to please ourselves.