We were made by God for God to serve God. It takes a degree of humility on our part to accept this reality. If there is a God, and we are not Him, then we must be the creation and He the Creator.
If we are the creation then we are subject to the will of the Creator. The Bible declares the will of the Creator to be all of His creation glorify Him.
The Bible also records, on page 3, that humanity has rebelled against such a purpose almost from our inception. This is why it takes humility on our part to admit that God was not created by us to meet our needs but we are created by God to do His will.
If we can get past our pride and embrace our role in the universe we can take heart that God is humble and gentle in nature and that His burden is easy and His load is light. We should be so grateful that God is good and that God is loving.
Were He otherwise this world and our lives would be exceptionally dark indeed. The trouble this world suffers is not because God is bad but because humanity is bad for it refuses to humble themselves before God in reverent submission to His good will.
Those who do humble themselves before God are being changed by God into His image so that the rest of humanity can see the goodness of God.
When we love, sacrifice and serve unconditionally as God demonstrated to us through Jesus the Savior, we glorify God in the world and help the world come to know Who God truly is and what He is really like.