The final book of the Bible describes the end of the world and the establishment of God’s Kingdom upon the new earth where He lives physically with His people forever.
Those who live with God are not described as believers but as servants of God.
Before God returns in Jesus the Savior, He marks those who are His so that they might be recognized by the angels sent to destroy the earth. Those marked by God are described as servants of God not believers in God, not attenders of Church, not good people but servants of God.
What does it take to be marked by God as a servant of God?
Those described as servants in the final book had two distinct qualities.
First, the servants of God were righteous before God through the cleansing blood of Christ and their unwillingness to be stained by the world.
We remain clean by being obedient to Jesus. We remain unstained by the world when we refuse to indulge in the lusts and pleasures of our flesh found in sexual immorality, greed and power.
Second, these servants of God testified to the world that Jesus is the Savior.
Servants of God are trying to win other people to God’s point-of-view proclaiming to all men everywhere their need to repent from evil deeds and to follow Jesus as Lord. Good works must have as their goal the eternal salvation of men or they do nothing for the kingdom of God.
Servants of God work with God in His objective toward restoring the world to Himself.
Would we be marked by God as servants of His today?