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Revelation 1.6 claims Christians are appointed as priests. images

In most religions there is a class of adherents who are the official religious leaders, the group that knows god best and tells everyone else what that god requires.

The root of the Christian religion, Judaism, also had a designated tribe, the Levites, who alone could administer the official religious functions required by the One True God.

When God lived among us in Jesus He commanded all of His followers to now live as priests to serve both God and men. This means that all of those who have repented before God, confessing their sins to Him, and have begun to follow Jesus as their Savior and Master are now to place the ministry of God above all other priorities and activities.

While Christians have a variety of vocations they have one occupation: the making of disciples among the nations. No matter where a Christian lives or where a Christian works the role of the Christian is to serve as a priest in the world.

What does a priest do?

A priest brings God to people through the proclamation of His Word and he brings people to God through repentance and worship.

The daily activity of Christians regardless of vocation is to focus on making God known in the world to the people they live and work with throughout the day.

What then is the role of the Christian religious class?

They serve all the other Christians as encourages and equippers in their work as priests in the world.

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