The Nicolaitans were a group who claimed to be Christian but taught and lived in a way that God said He hated. Their primary teaching and practice was that people were free to do as they pleased with their bodies, particularly sexually, without consequence from Heaven.
The Nicolaitans still reside in the hearts and minds of many who call themselves Christians today.
The first group of Nicolaitans are the fornicators. It is nothing for young people who claim to be Christians to sleep with on another before marriage and then with numerous partners. Even Christian parents encourage and condone dating among their children which is the prelude to such behavior. Fornication is sexual relations between unmarried people, a practice condemned by God but practiced by many who claim to be disciples of Jesus Christ.
The second group of Nicolaitans are the adulterers. Many who call themselves Christians have divorced their spouses after having an affair having convinced themselves that God wanted them happy. These Nicolaitans are deceived, for God demands holiness regardless of happiness. Adultery is always condemned by God in Scripture and those who divorce and remarry He calls adulterers.
The final group of Nicolaitans are those so called Christians who practice and or condone homosexuality. This behavior is called an abomination by God throughout the Bible yet many who think themselves Christ followers want to be tolerant and approving of this behavior that God abhors.
The proper response to all who have become Nicolaitans is to repent and renounce their behavior and belief in these practices and instead live in obedience to God’s commands.