Notable and Constant Service

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1 Corinthians 7:35 commands we give notable and constant service to the Lord. How poor is our view of God?

We have the propensity of taking Him for granted only half believing He exists and that He will one day hold each person accountable for the life they have lived.

Our theology is similar to that of our belief in Santa Claus, supposedly he keeps a record of who is naughty and nice for determining their Christmas reward but we all know everyone gets a present and no one receives a lump of coal.

So it is with our thinking about God, we don’t really believe He is going to punish anyone except the Hitler’s in the world while He overlooks our apathy toward Him while rewarding us for our ‘goodness’ and church attendance.

What kind of a God is that really? Do we really believe God is that lame?

We are expected to give notable and constant service to the Lord. Notable to whom? God of course for He is the One Who determines what service is notable.

What kind of service will He reward? The same service for which His First born Son engaged and to which His Son prepared disciples and their protégé to continue.

Jesus said His purpose was to seek and save the lost and that the goal of His mentorship was that His disciples would become fishers of men.

Therefore the constant and notable service to which God’s people must be engaged and for which they will be measured is the effort and effect they have made toward winning people into God’s Kingdom and helping them grow in their obedience to His commands.

So then what are we doing that God will take notice of then reward for the expansion of His kingdom upon the earth as it is in heaven?


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