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Old Christians Need To Focus On The Future

“Don’t discard me in my old age. As my strength fails, do not abandon me…My mouth will tell about your righteousness and your salvation all day long, though I cannot sum them up…..Even while I am old and gray, God, do not abandon me, while I proclaim your power to another generation, your strength to all who are to come.” Psalms 71:9, 15, 18 CSB


As Christian men grow older, men who have done little for God but perhaps serve on committees and give money, some desire to do more for God before they meet God, Who will judge us all by our works to reward us forever with the treasure we stored in heaven by those works. What should we do when we have spent most of our lives building businesses, careers, and bank accounts so we can retire early or well? We should repent for not being rich toward God but give thanks for the opportunity still to bear much fruit. We should pray, asking God to use us now more than ever to see His kingdom come and His will be done on earth as it is in heaven. We should be bold and courageous to share the gospel with others, especially those in our households. Many sons and daughters are not walking in the faith, and married spouses have little interest in the things of God. These must be won to Christ before we depart so that we might have peace knowing we will live again with those we love most forever. So, we should build our relationships by spending time with our adult children and grandchildren to influence them to believe in Christ. Influence is the product of a relationship, and a relationship is the product of time. We must use our latter days to win people to Jesus, particularly those in our household. We must spend as much of our time and money with our people, including our extended family and closest friends, to bring them to Christ through sharing with them the gospel. We must be bold and courageous and focus first on obedience to the Lord Jesus and then upon His mission to us, the Great Commission, so that we are warmly welcomed as faithful servants in the kingdom of heaven.

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