I was sitting with a man yesterday talking to him about the things of God when he commented that following God was easy. God only asks for an hour a week.
This mentality explains part of the problem as to why the Church is having so little influence in the current culture.
What kind of God is it Who requires only an hour per week from His followers? What kind of God keeps attendance records for rewarding people?
The One True God, the God Who lived among us as Jesus and Who will return again someday to establish His eternal dwelling on earth in order to live forever with His chosen people, is not this petty, vain or simple. Any god worth following must require everything from his adherents or he is not god at all.
Doesn’t it make sense that if there really is a God that His will must be done on earth as it is in heaven or He is not really God? Certainly the One True God requires absolute allegiance from His followers and is not fooled by weekly church attendance as to our true love and loyalty.
God commands we love Him with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength demonstrated by our obedience to His commands.
How do we know if we are true lovers of God or simply hypocrites trying to appease a distant but irrelevant god?
How much do we seek Him, how much do we do for Him, how fervent are we to share Him with others, and what price are we paying to please Him? Answers to these questions will reveal our true thoughts about God.
Thanks for your ministry.