Everyone wants a fair wage. The union man wants his piece. The athlete holds out until he gets paid what he feels he’s worth. The seller waits until the buyer increases his bid. All of us exchange some form of labor for wages in order to buy the things we need and want.
God too is going to pay wages to His workers. Jesus, God Who lived among us, prayed that we would become fellow laborers in His ripe harvest field and promised eternal reward for our effort.
Its not hard to work for a day’s wage then get paid though few businesses or workers operate that way. Most of us get paid once a week or every other week, a few only once a month.
The longer the time between work and payment the more difficult it is to work. Perhaps this is why few take God up on His offer to become fellow workers in the earth.
His wages are worth more than all we can earn here on earth and will pay for our lives to be lived in His eternal kingdom but since we cant see or understand that economy now few of us have faith to work as though it really existed.
Eternity is a long time to live.
The treasure we send now will determine the quality of life we live there. Do we really believe this? We should if we read the Bible and understand the position God has placed Himself and us by making the Church His means for working at winning people into His Kingdom.
Judgment day is coming and with it the payment for our work done that expanded His Kingdom upon the earth.
How much do you think God will pay you?